It’s been a while since I had time to blog, well, I just came back from a 17 day trip from Beijing to shanghai to hongkong and back home. One word fits what I feel as soon as I went to work today – invigorated. It was good to take a break.
Yes I know it’s hard to postpone your appointments, reschedule your meetings, shift everything in your daily routine to make time; it’s hard to make time for the most valuable asset you own: yourself.
But you see, that’s what’s causing alot of things to go awry. We need to take a break every so often. A man who goes without sleep for more than 48 hours gradually feels his bodily functions shut down on him and in no time he’ll start hallucinating; our body knows that we need to rest; do we? I’m no christian but I know that in the book of genesis, even god rested on the 7th day so why shouldn’t us mortals?
Ok I agree it’s almost impossible to take as long a trip as I did. But it is very possible to take the weekend off.
One of the most common problems that busy people face is burning out. Burn out causes you to slow down in productivity, turn wry your thinking process, become forgetful etc. the list goes on. In my opinion, the best cure for burnout is going some place far far away from the city, like a sunny little island that is not frequented by tourists, long stretches of soft silvery beige sand, cool blue waters that are so clean u can see the fishes swimming, a nice little bar to get a cool drink amd a shady spot to laze in and read. That’s my ideal getaway, it could be different from yours, that’s fine. So long as you feel relaxed and good about the place, that’s YOUR perfect spot.
If after reading this article makes you feel like going somewhere away from the bustling city, away from the constant sms, away from the invading email, then it could be time to call for a break.
Book a time with yourself, commit to it, have a cocktail and chill.
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