Like invisible hands they clutch around your throat,slowly squeezing the life out of you until you're nothing but an empty shell. Ever felt like that?
Expectations; they come in many forms,obvious and transient. We all experience expectations every day,from our parents,friends,lover,the environment we grow up in and of course ourselves. They are there to guide us and inspire us to excel. But sometimes,having too much of it just constricts us with it's invisible tendrils. That's the feeling we get when we don't live up to expectations.
The problem is we have been educated since we were young that expectations are ok and they form part and parcel of our life. Yet our parents do not know that the feeling of disappointing them by not fulfilling their expectations is so painful,like a blunt knife slowly cutting into us. Where else can we go to express such pain without getting looked down on but hiding it within ourselves?
At this point,for some,depression slowly creeps in. Like water seeping through your clothes it slowly crawls up your skin. Let's spare our friends and family of this torture.
Parents,please don't place too high expectations on your children. I know we all want our kids to be the next einstein or bill gates. But sometimes giving them space and freedom to explore and find the path that they really enjoy venturing on is much more beneficial than to nag at them about being a doctor or a lawyer.
Break free of expectations that bind you. They are like heavy lead weights tied around your ankles. Let them go. Take a breather. Get away. Smile :)
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