As the passing of 2008 approaches in the next few hours, please look back at your year and list down the number of meaningful events that has happened to you. Be it meeting someone special, attending a special occasion, having a special occasion or marking a new journey in life etc. list it all down. Then write down a list of things that you have learnt from these events and how you can improve on them. Having done that, prioritize the list into which things you want to improve the most and so on.
From there on, list down your goals and new year resolutions. Now please bear in mind that you have to write them down realistically. When I was 5, my new year resolution was to grow wings and fly. After so many new years, it has never been realized and I was some what disappointed by it. So please don't disappoint yourself! Make realistic resolutions! Then give yourself a time line as to when you can accomplish or see the resolution take effect.
Don't hesitate! The hour of 2009 is near!
Auld Lang Syne!
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