Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Resolute Resolutions

As the passing of 2008 approaches in the next few hours, please look back at your year and list down the number of meaningful events that has happened to you. Be it meeting someone special, attending a special occasion, having a special occasion or marking a new journey in life etc. list it all down. Then write down a list of things that you have learnt from these events and how you can improve on them. Having done that, prioritize the list into which things you want to improve the most and so on.

From there on, list down your goals and new year resolutions. Now please bear in mind that you have to write them down realistically. When I was 5, my new year resolution was to grow wings and fly. After so many new years, it has never been realized and I was some what disappointed by it. So please don't disappoint yourself! Make realistic resolutions! Then give yourself a time line as to when you can accomplish or see the resolution take effect.

Don't hesitate! The hour of 2009 is near!

Auld Lang Syne!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tis the Festive Season to be JOLLY!


This is THE festive Season to be jolly. Feeling down in the dumps? Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? Feeling un-loved? Throw all of that away! With a mighty HO HO HO, laugh away your troubles for this is the season to be jolly. It is the time of giving and forgiving.

Why are people exceptionally happy in this time of the year? It's because they receive presents and GIVE presents. Giving presents in fact brings more joy than receiving. Why? Because going through all that hard work and finding a present for that special someone, then seeing that smile creep in onto their face when their tear open the wrapping before finally erupting into a ear-to-ear smile is just.....satisfying. Immensely satisfying! Nothing feels better than making other people happy. We all like to give love, its in our genes, we are social animals.

So how can giving help bring you out from the dumps? Firstly, finding the present is tough and it will redirect attention and keep bad bad thoughts out of the head. Secondly, having the intention of making another person happy causes unseen changes in us; minute, invisible forces work in our bodies and soon we find that we start, bit by bit to get happier. Finally, we all like to have some shopping therapy once in a while don't we?

This is the time of the year dear readers, so go out there, immerse yourselves in Christmas carols, meet up with long lost friends, rekindle extinguished flames, spread the love.

Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle All the way!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Music and Life!

From Ages past to the present day, Music has been part and parcel of every day life.

Every single culture on this planet has a musical chord in their blood. From the violins and pianos of Europe, the Angklongs of Indonesia, the Dijeritoos of Australia to the Berimbau of Africa. It is in us as it is in Nature. In the day, birds chirp, monkeys shrill, Hippotamuses give a strong bass, Lions with a roar; At night, crickets chirp, bats squeak, owls hoot, the air is alive with music!

Since birth, we have been accustomed to sounds , rhythms and music. Even in our mother's womb, we hear an orchestra of sounds; the dub-dub heartbeats, the slushes of blood pumping through the vessels, the digestive groans and grunts of the stomach, the squelches of the intestines. We have developed rhythm since we were young and have embraced it in almost every thing we do. When we walk, if you take note, every one walks to a certain rhythm. When we talk, we talk with a certain rhythm too! So even if you have not learned a musical instrument in an institute, be not discouraged, for your body has two instruments too! Your Voice and your hands. Clapping is used in many cultures as a bass rhythm. You see, music is just in the air.

Music has always been used in ceremonies and celebrations. It uplifts the mood or brings you to a solemn state. It holds that power to lift you up when you're down. Songs like Ave Maria lets people feel awe and get touched by the holiness. There are just so many songs out there with so many benefits.

How can this help you? Well, to simply put, when you're feeling down, try playing a song that you like. When you're feeling stressed, play some soothing songs in the background quietly. Soon with experimentation and patience, you will find your song.