Somebody please help me.
I'm addicted. I don't really know how to describe to you what I'm addicted to. I just feel like I can't get enough of it. I feel the urge to get a dose of it every single second. I can just feel the urge pulsating in my arteries and veins like a bullet train running through every vessel, bringing with it tremors and surges of electricity each time I don't get a dose of it. Without it, I'm useless, a frail hollow cocoon, lifeless and limp. Without it, I cannot go on.
I do know that each time i get a dose of it, it feels like a rush of blood to my head. It feels like heaven, instant euphoria, miraculous lightness. Like a truck load of gold and heavenly manna sent through the body to the brain. With every dose of my addiction, I can't help but feel happiness, relief and a sigh occasionally escape my lips. Each time i breath out I just feel all that pent up frustration going out. Each time I breath in my dosage, the magic just floods my senses, gushing in from every single orifice in my body and leaks gently out through my pores like an ice cube melting, the magic just gently seeps out my pores. The day that I get enough of this magical substance is the day I die. I dare say that I'm even willing to die for it.
Ladies and gentlemen, WE are all addicted to it. This is the only necessary addiction that we can and should never quit. I'm addicted to oxygen and the byproduct of life that comes with it. Some of us may have other addictions like drinking or smoking or other unhealthy habits. But why take up or continue with those habits when you won't die for it but rather die of it? Why not switch to an endless and limitless supply of practically free substance. Why not try my ganga of life? Take a dose, I'm sure you'll like it. Beware though, that taking in too much in one dosage will lead to hyperventilation and that can get very very ugly.
And in the event you need an outlet to stop addiction, quick, painless, non-invasive, non-medicated, with lots of oxygen, friendly and with a cupful of the personal touch, well you could always give us a call ;) .
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