Friday, May 7, 2010



Certified Hypnotherapist Course

Great News! Hypnae Center is resuming its Certified Hypnotherapist Course. This course will provide you professional certification from The National Guild of Hypnotherapy, International Association of Counselors and Therapists and International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Associations.

The course will be from July - December, a total of 6 months, following which we will allow you 3 months of internship at our Center, located in Camden Medical Center where you will get a chance to handle real cases.

Visit this link for more info!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Change, Its Only Natural

Humans are creatures of habit. We like familiarity. It’s in our traditions to like to stay the way we are. We like what we’re used to. So often, when we’re faced with a choice between two elements, one familiar and the other mysterious, we’d choose the familiar. It can’t be helped. It’s only part of nature.

Look at art, architecture, dance, education. All these realms resist change and only accept it in trickles and drips. Take architecture for instance, it took years before the modernist movement started getting recognition. It started in the early 1905 but only after 25 odd years of pushing and struggling did the modernist approach gain acceptance by the public. Change is hard.

The only reason why change is hard, is you. That inherent fear hibernates in familiarity but manifests itself like a shroud veiling your eyes when an opportunity to change comes. You’d hear yourself saying: Its impossible! Preposterous! What a crazy idea!

But Change is what makes reality possible. Change is what drives the human mind forward. Change is the propellant for technological advances. Change is that piggy bank waiting to be smashed open. Change is when you feel that rush of freshness shooting up your spine. Change is that ethereal lightness in your body. Change is the moment you spread your wings and leap. Change is the only constant. To change is to be human.

Its easy to shun change, but when an opportunity for change that can benefit you trods along, pull onto its reins and ride it like an adventure! You never know where you’ll end up at.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Fear, the Mind Killer

TigerPhobia. Claustrophobia, thanatosphobia, agorophobia,arachnophobia etc. Do you know of many people with a phobia? I have met quite a few and given therapy successfully to them to. However I have to assure you all that not all of your fears can be considered phobic. A phobia is an irrational, intense, persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, or people and it is beyond the control of the person. Many people mistake their fears for phobias.

Is there a need for fear? Fear is a natural defense mechanism in all of us that helps in our survival by preventing pain or the threat of danger . For example the fear of a tiger will prevent us from walking towards the tiger and risk getting mawed. Fear is a natural part of us and having fears is a very normal thing. We all have our qwerks; I used to fear really tight places due to my size( tight places were bearable but not comfortable) and eating bananas because I found worms in a banana I was eating when I was 6. However, even with the fears that I had, with a bit more caution, I could enter tight places and small rooms and I could ensure my bananas were always clean of worms. A fear is just a warning system.

How does it become a phobia then? Well to put it in another way, our fear is like a little tiger cub inside our minds. Have you seen a tiger cub? It’s absolutely adorable. Its claws can still scratch you if you are not careful, but other than that it is absolutely cute and cuddly. Each time we get the emotion of fear from a thought or an impending event and we react to that emotion by giving in to it, it is the same as throwing a slice of meat to the little tiger cub and feeding it. When I mean giving into your fear it would be like how a person who is afraid of lizards enters a room with a lizard on the wall. That person’s mind would think: The lizard is going to get me. His choice of actions would be: 1) Ignore the thought, 2) Get out of the room quick! . Well choice number 2) would be giving into the fear. Fear grows on fear. Each time we feed our little tiger cub, it grows. And on one fine day the tiger cub will grow into a fierce tiger inside us. From this time on, each time we see the triggers for our fear, it’s like getting clawed by the huge tiger in our mind; We just breakdown.

How then do we deal with it? There are many ways to do it but in my opinion, the most permanent way is to starve the tiger. Stop feeding it. Let is starve and shrink back into the cute cuddly size that it once was. We all learn through positive experience. I know that a lizard will not harm me if I watch my tv. What can it do? Bite a chip off my fingernail? Nonsense. Accept the fact that our fear is irrational and gently ignore it. By starving our fears, they will gradually shrink. Each time you do not give into your fear and realize that nothing bad happens when you do, you are helping to rid yourself of the fear. Just take a deep breath, close your eyes and think happy thoughts!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Break your Archetypes

Of late, I have been meeting clients who constantly claim they cannot enter hypnosis even though they have already by my guidance entered a moderate level of hypnosis. So upon emerging them, I asked them what is stopping them from relaxing further.

"I can hear you perfectly well! Shouldn't I not be able to hear you? Shouldn't I be sleeping?"

Well it seems that even though it has explained time after time during consultation and before the session, I would like to take this chance to explain yet again. In hypnosis, we are not sleeping. We are not in a zonked out mood. We are not out cold like an iron bar to the head. In fact, contrary to belief, we are in fact more able to hear our therapist; our sense of sound and smell is much stronger. We feel very relaxed; some people feel heavy while others feel floaty, other than that, they are always listening to the therapist and very aware of what is happening.

Then when they go under hypnosis, I realized the one thing that is stopping them from entering a deeper state: Am I hypnotized? That is the question that most clients ask when they are hypnotized by us therapist. The answer is simple, yes you are if you only let yourself so. By doubting yourself and questioning yourself, you are not allowing yourself to enjoy the full benefits of entering a deep state of hypnosis. The trick in letting yourself go is just to focus on the voice of the therapist, let yourself experience the bodily sensations that will follow and just go with the flow, don't fight it.

SO the next time when you all come for therapy, bring in your stereotypes about hypnosis but be ready to let them be debunked. Do bring in an open mind too!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The importance of "MY" time

It’s been a while since I had time to blog, well, I just came back from a 17 day trip from Beijing to shanghai to hongkong and back home. One word fits what I feel as soon as I went to work today – invigorated. It was good to take a break.

Yes I know it’s hard to postpone your appointments, reschedule your meetings, shift everything in your daily routine to make time; it’s hard to make time for the most valuable asset you own: yourself.

But you see, that’s what’s causing alot of things to go awry. We need to take a break every so often. A man who goes without sleep for more than 48 hours gradually feels his bodily functions shut down on him and in no time he’ll start hallucinating; our body knows that we need to rest; do we? I’m no christian but I know that in the book of genesis, even god rested on the 7th day so why shouldn’t us mortals?

Ok I agree it’s almost impossible to take as long a trip as I did. But it is very possible to take the weekend off.

One of the most common problems that busy people face is burning out. Burn out causes you to slow down in productivity, turn wry your thinking process, become forgetful etc. the list goes on. In my opinion, the best cure for burnout is going some place far far away from the city, like a sunny little island that is not frequented by tourists, long stretches of soft silvery beige sand, cool blue waters that are so clean u can see the fishes swimming, a nice little bar to get a cool drink amd a shady spot to laze in and read. That’s my ideal getaway, it could be different from yours, that’s fine. So long as you feel relaxed and good about the place, that’s YOUR perfect spot.

If after reading this article makes you feel like going somewhere away from the bustling city, away from the constant sms, away from the invading email, then it could be time to call for a break.

Book a time with yourself, commit to it, have a cocktail and chill.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Walking On

“It’s always necessary to know when a stage of one’s life has ended. If you stubbornly cling to it after the need has passed, you lose the joy and meaning of the rest. And you risk being shaken to your senses”. - Paulo Coehlo, The Fifth Mountain.

In our life we face many times when we enter a state of transition; the passing of a sweet relationship, the farewell of a loved one, the loss of a job. Surely we have had our fair share but I’m sorry but there’s more to come. Because life is as such, it’s about keeping up that gait of yours till the final passing.

We all hate goodbyes, dang I even hate birthdays cause each birthday and each good bye is bidding farewell to the stage of life that has just past. I look back and I think: has the time I spent been a total waste or has it? Were there any life lessons I could pick up to help better my walk? If I could have done better, how then can I do it?

This state of transition that we’re in is an opportune time to take some time off the ever flowing pace of life and just close your eyes and reflect. Think of your current pace of life, contemplate your next step, and if you’ve got a lot of time, do something you’ve never done before but always wanted to do. Go celebrate life for each passing of a stage is the entry into another.

Please make sure you have closure for the stage that has passed. Throw a party, go for a getaway, do something stupid, just do something that can signify you leaving the past because when you enter the next stage in life, you don’t want weights from the past still pulling you back. When baby eagles learn to fly, they just drop out of their nest, off the cliff and they drop at least 10 feet. What a way to signify the passing of their youth; They then open their wings and fly. Those that didn’t leave the nest never did survive.

I wish I could have relived many parts in my life again, then again when I thought about it, it could have progressed differently if i tried again and no amount of trying would have resulted in a more perfect memory than the one that has just past. Smile and keep walking. I have always liked this advert and it shall end this post.
