How many of you still exercise regularly every day? How many of us are watching that belly of ours slowly bulge an inch every week? I apologize but have to blunt here, lives are at stake; You will most likely fall ill sooner than your counter parts and then pass the remaining days of your life in torment.
Run! Swim! Play ball! Just do something! Our Ministry of Health has suggested 5 times a week and 30 mins each day. I know of someone who has polio yet swims regularly. Why not you with healthy legs? Don't wait till you can't see your toes...act on it!
Regular exercise has been shown to improve your sleep, reduce stress, give you better confidence, give you better skin, uplifts your prone-to-sag body parts and most of all, look good.
Don't know where to start? Visit your local park and just run or visit your community center to take part in activities or join some alternative sport such as Rock Climbing , Capoeira or even Martial Arts. Most importantly, find something you like and enjoy doing. After all, paying for your health is the BEST investment with the MOST returns.
Here are some links to some sports you can take part in:
http://www.womenandsports.sg/ (A website meant for sports for women)
http://www.ssc.gov.sg/publish/Corporate/en/our_services0/courses/learn.html ( Listings of activities in Sports and Recreational Centers)
http://www.fightg.com/courseindex.htm ( A Local Martial Arts Gym )