Yes, that very subtle and transient feeling of yourself slowing down, not yet to a halt, but just at a crawl. When you find you stop performing at top speed, stop giving results on time, and start taking your time.. you know you are suffering from that poison. That particular poison is called Procrastination.
We all have our Ups and Downs, just as our priorities in life. At different periods in our life, we will have different priorities. Our priorities are ever changing and when they do change, things with lower priority gets paid lesser attention and we fulfill them less quickly. However, when there is a misplacement of our priorities, such as things that are supposed to be of higher priority getting placed in lower priority regions, I'm sorry to say but you have picked up the bug of procrastination
I must admit, even I get victimized by it sometimes. Well here's a story to share:
Bob was called up one day. A deep voice sounded through the receiver, " May i speak to Bob please?" "Speaking, how may I help you?" replied Bob. "Congratulations young man, We would like to give you a place in our establishment. When may I expect you?" Said the man. "Wow...gosh...Ok, could you give me a month to settle my personal affairs first? I'll definitely be there in a month's time. How may I address you?" said Bob. " No worries at all Bob. You can call me Charlie or Mr Brucker. Well we'll see you in a month!"
A month passed but Bob hasnt turned up at the office yet. Charlie called again, " Hi Bob, I'm just calling to check on you. Will I be seeing you soon?" "Yes! Definitely, but in a week's time." said Bob. "Oh all right then, see you then Bob".
And so a week passed but still no sign of Bob in the office. Charlie called again, " Hi bob, I'm just checking on you, how's things?" "Much apologies Mr Brucker. I will be at the office tomorrow at 9 am."replied Bob.
And the next day, Bob did not appear at 9 am. Charlier called Bob again." Hi Bob.." "Oh yes! Mr Brucker! I was just about to call you and tell you that I would be there at 1pm."replied Bob. "Oh its all right Bob, save the trouble. We've decided to give your post to someone else. Good day."said Charlie and with that, the phone disengaged.
* End *
I hope this story strikes a chord or two in you readers. As Nike says: Just Do It!